Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Love and Relationship Lesson Number 1 : When Its Over, Its Over!

I think everyone knows hows it like breaking up for the first time. I know i do ;-) It felt like something just went into my heart and just clog something up, made me forgot how to even breath, tears burst out when i am all alone, don't feel like getting the fuck out of my room. But then, i remembered, i have a family and my bestfriends, that's what they are here for, when someone u dearly love, or the whole world just walked out on you, they'll be the first one to come in and just be the shoulder to cry on to.

And i also know that most of you, would persuade him or her to get back in the loving relationship that once u guys had and cherished. You would do anything to get him or her back. But u guys are wrong, winning him or her back doesn't mean he or she would love u more, they would not! Its quite impossible for someone to eat something back after they spitted at it. No,not literally, thats a metaphore.

It is hard at first,you will be crying your heart out, or the drama queen would refer to it as "mourning" and "grieving" for your loss, but that is only on your first stage. The second one is... RECOVERING! The recovering part is rather neccessary and very crucial for you as it is the time for you to deliberate or consider dating a new person and prepare the whole new chapter of your new beginning.

The third one might be interested for some of you who is hunger for revenge and pain. In my case, it is called, ITS YOUR LOSS MOTHAFUCKA. This is the time where u should bring out the best in you, flaunt all of your hotness and let all your flaws be your advantages as it channel your positive energy. Show the loser(your ex that is) what you've got!

So, when ur in a serious lovey dovey relationship, make sure to know that if he or she call it a quit, there's no need for you to over react and get on your knees begging him or her to take u back. If it means no, its a real no no. So get back up and just deal with it using the three steps i gave. Also, try not to make ur new lover as a rebound guy or gal, or u'll might end up losing in the battlefield. Live with it, when it's over, it is OVER ;-)

1 comment:

AnDrEa said...

babi nvr write bout comming to ma hous oso !!!