Sunday, September 12, 2010

In The Loving Memory Of...

It has been more than a year since the late great legendary king of pop, Michael Jeckson passed away, millions of fan are still grieving and mourning of the loss of this icon. So i wondered, what would happen if he is stii alive, touring all over the globe, making records and still dancing to the beat of the songs he made? Would people be listening to his music? Would the nation be watching his music video? Or would the world even give a damn about the good things that he had contributed to the world, but just focus on his private life, accusing him of being a pheadophile, making up all those nasty horrible rumours about him and only focus on the mistakes that he did? Frankly speaking, i'm not even a fan of Michael Jackson, but i am sure most of you would take back all of the bad things u did to him and just let the friggin man live his life in peace, and let him do mistakes like every human beings suppose to do.

I've got a story to tell you, it happened two years ago...

When i was in my primary school, there was this girl, a petite, small sized girl, always sat beside me,between me and her, it had always been a love and hate relationship. She was a prefect, so i hated the fact that she always send my name to the principal's office or the class teacher as i was so loud in class and loves to bug everyone around. But however, i like her for being so kind and intelligent. She taught me maths and i taught her social studies (kajian tempatan). I really enjoyed learning things from her. Before the primary school ended, i had my moments with her, chatted with her, and talking about how is our new highschool is gonna be like. Would it be different? And her answer was yes, it wouldbe different. She and i was so excited to start a new chapter in our life. But that was it. That was the last time i saw her. Never again to see her. A few years had passed, a few long years. Never heard a bit of a news about her, but i was so curious to know what had happened to her? How is she? Is she in good condition? All kinds of question popped into my mind. I had an intention to keep in touch with her again, i tried to ask so many people about her, and search for her number and all. I almost gave up, until one of my childhood friend met me and told me that something that i just could never predict.
"She passed away two months ago, of a heart failure" he said.
The awful, sad, and sombre feeling wrapped around me like a blanket. I felt like someone just pulled a trigger, and the bullet went into my heart.
The question "only if" echoed in my mind.

Only if i kept in touch with her...
Only if i had called her...
Only if i had her number...
Only if i appreciate her more when she was still ALIVE...

The story and the experienced that i could relate to the late Michael Jackson. Only if we appreciate them more when they were still alive.

So note this,

Love the people you love like there's no tomorrow. keep in touch with the people that you care for, say thank you to the people who makes your life meaningful, appreciate every little gesture, because there is no use if you be more appreciative to the people who had gone and met their creator;-)

A. M. J.

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