Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sometimes Experience Is Your Best Teacher :-) And Will Always Be

In my life, i've met someone who failed, who cried and just stop trying. In my life, i've met someone who had so many failures, but just sit there and just didn't do anything about it. In my life, i have met someone who tasted a bit of a failure and just cried their heart out and even tried to commit suicide. But in my whole life, i've never met someone who failed so miserably, but just say "Hey, that's alrite, i'll get back up one day, today isn't just my time yet". That kind of person really moves me, and inspired me, to not be afraid of failing and be eager to try even harder.

I went to the class today with full confidence and with my black eyeliner as usual. Since i've failed a few subjects, i tried to work hard this semester since i've a lot of time to improvise my skills and learn new things which is exciting. As i got into class, a rural, kampung, area raised lady who happens to be my classmate gave me her stink eye, not that i love it, but sometimes, u gotta ignore the dumb and the ignorant. The lecturer was briefing something that i couldn't care less as it is not my business. While i was busy sketching, he suddenly asked, with his signature cynical smile : " Have you feel any embarassment repeating classes?"
My classmates just kept quiet as they thought that it was so insensitive of him asking me that kinda question. I almost felt my skin was melting and my heart pounded like shit. So instead of being sarcastic to him, i was being wise, like my old man told me: "Don't talk like a parrot, think wisely".

So I said:

"Why do I have to be embarass about it? It's not like i knock someone out, or involve in a fight, or prostituting. Its education we're talking about, why do u have to feel embarass if u repeat papers or courses? I'm not a genius and i'm not stupid, I'm learning, and sometimes, we have to fail to learn what learning is. That's what life is, you fail and you have get back up. Imagine life without failing?
Failing is part of our life, isn't that the art of life?
You could have given me motivation instead of insulting.
Failing is an experience and experience is your best teacher."

The class was filled with silence. It was so quiet that i could hear a single pen drop on the floor and just echoed.

There's no denial about how experience could become your best teacher and applying that to your daily life, could change your life forever. It's good to make mistakes and i advice go make mistakes. It's not the quantity of the mistake you did, but how you learn from it is priceless.

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