Sunday, August 29, 2010

Would You People Grow Up Just For Once?

You know, someone back in the years, told me, campus is all about being mature, and u live on your own, without any of your family beside you(not financially, that's for sure), and it's all being independent and wiser. Well that's what he told me, right before i experience the campus life. The first semester went really easy for me, as i was easily approached and i was kind and nice, that's for sure. But the ride gets pretty rough when i was in my second, third and fourth semester, as i learned that these fashion bastards(well not all,and thats a bit harsh, sorry...), are vicious, mean backstabber, who were hunger for gossips and anything that could bring someone down.. It was a whole different environment for me as i never had those kind of friends in highschool, nothing like them. But i proved them, that i am nothing like them, as i wasn't into gossiping and shit, and even if i did such a thing, i never did that to others, but sadly, people could really be shitty and i was outcasted, for the things that i never even did. Thank u to that person.

Despite all that, i never had any intention to take any revenge or do the same thing he or she did. Because if i do, i'm just like them. That's the thing about me, I'm different. I could be kind to the people that had screwed my life, because i know, forgiving is a noble thing to do. And i am a kind person.

I'm on my fifth semester now, and i am as happy as ever, as those people got bored of saying bad stuff about me, and not getting any respond from me, so that really got myself cool, calm and collected.
But this time around, the negative shit doesn't revolve around me, it has been revolving to a few of my fellow friends.
I did what the wise would do. Butt Out...
But i just couldn't help but felt sorry for my friends. They were outcasted, verbally abused, and shit.

So i thought to myself, whats the point of doing this to others? Someone could get hurt, mentally and physically. I thought this whole thing about campus is all about being wiser and mature. It is so highschool seeing them insulting each other and tell bad things about them to the people they don't even know, thus, this makes a perfect rivalry that could last for eternity.

If i may ask, what's the point of rivalry? Why do we have to fight? Because of your pride and integrity? One day, you will realize, that its not worth it. And you will be lonely because u have surround yourself with enemies.
But it all could change in split second, if you just accept the apology or apologize, those two can bring u no harm. Even if the person did the worst thing to you, made fun of you, beat the shit out of you, talked crap about u, or screwed up with you, forgiveness is all it takes to mend ur relationship. Take Mahatma Gandhi, or Nelson Mandela for example. You will have your inner peace when u start forgiving people and ask for forgiveness...

So why don't u start doing it now;-)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

You've Got Mail...

Dear You,

i know these past few months must have been really hard for u, u broke up with ur partner, u were lonely and shit, and u've been asking me out to go hangout with u but i didn't have the time since i have been really busy with family, bestfriends, and assignments, i don't know how i could juggle those, must be learning from my mom to be a multitasker just like her. I'm just so sorry for not being there for u and the last time that we went out, we didn't have this personal talk, i didn't ask how u were doing, and how's your family and stuff, i didn't mean to neglect u, but its just that i have my life. and that is where i am wrong, my life, is to e close to my family and my bestfriends and close friends, like u. So i took an initiative, its better to appreciate someone before i realize that everything's too late...

So after i finally got the wake up call, i started to hang out with u more often since i know ur a lonely human being. Its ironic, ur popular, but yet i know ur lonely, but i am not gonna tell u why, cause i know, i could be wrong ;-)
It was nice hangin out with u, u were as kind as ever and u were one of those rare people that could be super nice to someone and treat a no one like a somebody;-)
And i am glad as hell to have u as a close friend.

After a while, i kinda get the feeling that ur into this person, that u just knew, that person happens to be a friend of mine too...
It was awkward in a way that i really hope that i didn't hook u guys up. Now i know why my bestfriends are telling me not to patch ur close friend to anyone u know, because its the recipe for disaster...
But i just say, its ok, everything's gonna be fine.
But then,
people after people just kept on telling me, they hated the fact that ur getting intimate with this person. It wasn't u, but it was that person.
But i just kept on telling them, give them a chance, give that person a chance, we have no right to judge.
But deep in my heart, i knew something was going wrong. But i kept denying it, i could never defeat my conscience, and if i ever did, the percentage of me winning is 10%-90%.
So i just turned my head to the other side, hoping that if i can't see the problem, everything would be fine.
But everything turned upside down, when i gave hope to this person, falling for you. But i told that person, whatever it is, ur the luckiest person on earth to get you. Please do not break your heart, as i know that ur fragile when it comes to love and relationship.

And after that, i saw another person, got hurt in this stuff. this is like a triangle love shit. But it wasn't my business, it was none of my business, so i just walk away from everything. After that incident, i just couldn't look the person ur intimate with the same way again, as i almost believe what everyone have been telling me about this person, but its not fair doing that. So i just stop hanging out with u guys, and i kept myself busy with assignments. And i can't remember the last time we hung out.

So recently, my bestfriends and i took me to The Gardens to celebrate my birthday at TGI Fridays. While we were waiting for our seat, an old friend of mine and yours said hi to me. It was a pure coincidence. As i was running out of topics to talked about, i accidentally told her that you and that person you're intimate with is kinda close to each other. And she got the shock of her life and told me that, why that person? She told me that ur one hell of a great person and ur not suppose to date that person. She knew that person and told me that someone would get hurt if you guys are still in that relationship. So i denied it, but i just can't help of being guilty and the fact that, i might be the one who started this.

I've been knowing u for quite a while, and i've been knowing this person for quite a while too, but i know who my buddy is.
I'm just telling u that, i don't wanna be nosy and interrupting anything, but, just make sure, that, u won't get hurt, cause i know u've been through a lot. I am sorry that i started the sparkle thingy between you and that person, i could only pray for the best that you won't get hurt.

Yours Truly,
Your buddy who refused to see u get hurt;-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sometimes Experience Is Your Best Teacher :-) And Will Always Be

In my life, i've met someone who failed, who cried and just stop trying. In my life, i've met someone who had so many failures, but just sit there and just didn't do anything about it. In my life, i have met someone who tasted a bit of a failure and just cried their heart out and even tried to commit suicide. But in my whole life, i've never met someone who failed so miserably, but just say "Hey, that's alrite, i'll get back up one day, today isn't just my time yet". That kind of person really moves me, and inspired me, to not be afraid of failing and be eager to try even harder.

I went to the class today with full confidence and with my black eyeliner as usual. Since i've failed a few subjects, i tried to work hard this semester since i've a lot of time to improvise my skills and learn new things which is exciting. As i got into class, a rural, kampung, area raised lady who happens to be my classmate gave me her stink eye, not that i love it, but sometimes, u gotta ignore the dumb and the ignorant. The lecturer was briefing something that i couldn't care less as it is not my business. While i was busy sketching, he suddenly asked, with his signature cynical smile : " Have you feel any embarassment repeating classes?"
My classmates just kept quiet as they thought that it was so insensitive of him asking me that kinda question. I almost felt my skin was melting and my heart pounded like shit. So instead of being sarcastic to him, i was being wise, like my old man told me: "Don't talk like a parrot, think wisely".

So I said:

"Why do I have to be embarass about it? It's not like i knock someone out, or involve in a fight, or prostituting. Its education we're talking about, why do u have to feel embarass if u repeat papers or courses? I'm not a genius and i'm not stupid, I'm learning, and sometimes, we have to fail to learn what learning is. That's what life is, you fail and you have get back up. Imagine life without failing?
Failing is part of our life, isn't that the art of life?
You could have given me motivation instead of insulting.
Failing is an experience and experience is your best teacher."

The class was filled with silence. It was so quiet that i could hear a single pen drop on the floor and just echoed.

There's no denial about how experience could become your best teacher and applying that to your daily life, could change your life forever. It's good to make mistakes and i advice go make mistakes. It's not the quantity of the mistake you did, but how you learn from it is priceless.

The Beginning Is Still The New Beginning

It's not like i never had a blog or anything before this, i did have a blog, but sometimes, i need to step back and just think about it, "Does it worth your time just by posting crap and shitty story your life and shit?" So i did take a step backward and opposed blogging, until one day it occured to me. If i stop writing one day, i'm not gonna be able to have my voice to be hear out and never gonna point out my own perspective. So instead of posting my about life's crap and bla bla bla, i'll just post something that i've experienced and with my fingers cross out, people of the world, making my blog as an inspiration and guidance to a new far better chapter of everyone's life. Some say end is the beginning, but to me, beginning is always a beginning, you could figure that out. So i'm taking this opportunity to share my opinion and my experience with u people out there. Take my blog as ur friendly advice, or don't. haha ;-)