Friday, September 17, 2010

Does The Time Transition Affects The Teenagers Sense Of Style?

The other day, i went to the Star Hill with a good friend of mine, H. She and i knew each other since we were eight. But, our unlikely differences never made us best friends. We're close just as normal friends. So, before we went there, she had to make a stop in Chinatown. We drove there and the moment she got out of her car. A bunch of guys were calling her by making that pervert whistling sound, and they were shouting, "Berapa? Berapa?"("How Much? How Much?") H and i were looking at each other. I know that they were referring to H, but, why? She and i ignored them and we walked to the 7 Eleven, she bought a pack of cigarette and we got into her car.
So we made our way to Star Hill. And parked the car a few blocks away from the Lot 10 shopping mall. While were walking, i noticed that the pedestrians eyes were lingering at her. I had ,like, a feeling of, sharks, millions of sharks were lurking in the water. They gave this look that they always give on hooker. Hooker?! O dear lord...
I observed the way H was dressing from head to toe. Her hair was red in colour, she painted her full lips with bright red chapstick. She wore a white sleeveless tank top matched with her torned out, distressed jeans and wore a fishnet stocking that Cher always wear when she perform back in the 70's and 80's. On top of that, she was holding a ciggarette. SO i said:

Myself: H! No wonder those guys in Chinatown were provoking you!
H: What? Who? I killed a cat?
Myself: Noooo!! U dressed up like a hooker!
H: That's absurd!

We passed by a the mall's window and i told her to stand still and look at herself in the mirror.

She shook her head and thought that the way she dressed up is what she called. "awfully normal". The whole day spending time with her had not been a nice one as she looked like an underage hooker. People were looking at her. The way she put her make up on. She looks ridiculous. Even she male could put a better make up. But this would be unfair if i kept judging her style. Despite having normal people glared at her, she could still walked tall and be proud.

This is what the normal teenagers have been wearing nowadays, what may seems abnormal to others, is ideal to them. kudos to them whos having those kinda sense of style for being bold. Its good seeing women being so confident walking on the sidewalk even if they wear a bow gown. Because they wear it for them and not for others, thats one of the way to love yourself. Women all over the world used to be so close minded about revealing some skin. Some would think its rude and inappropriate. They would label them as a slut, they judge a person from what they wear. But, through phases of time, they have every right to wear anything they would want to. And now, everybody could dress up like sluts without people labeling them or judging them. Impressive huh?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Absurdly Ridiculous

Situation 1

Two weeks ago, i met a friend of mine at Pavillion. She invited me to go on a shopping spree with her. So i said yes. After spent three hours of finding her right shoes and her matching outfit with a perfect bag, we stopped to find a place for us to lounge around and just sip a cup of nice drink. She suggested Starbucks. Of all places, why Starbucks? Its quite pricey for students. There's plenty of places to go for a drink, and we could pay it even less. A cup of coffee that taste like crap wouldn't be worth paying expensively. She insisted and this is what she said:

"We're in Pavillion, it's a high end retail centre, we should drink and eat expensive things. Or people are gonna start criticizing us."

She went to the Starbucks and bought herself a cream latte.

Situation 2

A friend of mine,B, invited to his house last sunday. He was having a party for all his friends. It was in the evening, an open air kinda party. It was freakin hot, hot as in the weather, not the party. And there he was greeting the guests. Y and T were my childhood friends, we had a casual conversation until B, joined in our conversation. He was wearing a weird white colour long sleeve t shirt with black and blue colour of different panels. His belt was green and red in colour and wore a cream colour baggy jeans. I didn't wanna criticize a thing on what he was wearing because, probably he prefers this kinda style. Plus, i am no one to critize the way people dress up. Y was a loud mouth and quite outspoken, known for her bluntness, she asked:

Y: Why are you dressing up like a nervous breakdown clown?

T was laughing real hard, while i was just gawking, couldn't believe what Y just said. I noticed that B swallowed the criticism real hard. He just smiled and proudly said:

B: The shirt that i'm wearing is Armani Exchange, the belt is from Gucci, and this pants, i bought it at GAP.

Wow, he was boasting like shit. I was hoping Y could backslash him. But Y was standing still and didn't even blink his eyes even for a second. I thought Y called it a quit and put on his white flag. But nooo... this is what Y said:

Y: Wow, u really spent a lot on those things, but u still look like shit.

B went speechless. He nodded and walked away. I told Y that it wasn't a right thing to do. But, i was a bit happy that his annoying boast back fired him. Why would anyone pay for expensive branded clothes just to look good?

Situation 3

H and i were having lunch 4 days ago. While waiting for her boyfriend, H were whining and complaining to me about her jeans.

H: I really had hard time wearing this jeans! Its so fuckin tight!
Myself: Its a skinny jeans, what do u expect?

H was pulling her jeans up and down, straightening her jeans and stuff. She could not sit still. I got so annoyed.

Myself: Why do u have to this skinny pair of jeans if u know its suffocating?
H: Huh?
Myself: Why?
H: Because its the in trend now,i wouldnt wanna miss wearing it.
Myself: You don't mind suffer for fashion?
H: Yeah, i don't mind. Why?
Myself: I think its rubbish suffering for fashion. How do you expect to feel good inside and out if you don't feel comfy at all?
H: Nah, it'll pass..

The three situation are the most ridiculous idea that the person had had in their mind. They spent on expensive beverage and food so that people would look up to them. They spent thousands of dollars to buy expensive branded clothes just to impress people, and suffer for fashion so that they wouldn't be called out dated or old fashion. Why do we have to do this in order to please people? Does it even please people? Instead of helping the homeless and reducing the poverty around the world, they only choose to do petty things that don't really contribute that much. Why?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sex Is Excitement, or, Excitement Is Sex?

Two weeks ago, a friend of mine, G, called me up and he made plan for both of us to break fast together. I was a bit skeptical to say yes because i already made plans for my bestfriends and i. But since we haven't met for more than six months, it would be inappropriate for me to say no to his invitation. So i said yes and he told me to meet him at this restaurant in Jalan P. Ramlee. He had made reservations.

G, was a friend of mine who went to the same tuition centre. We're in the same additional mathematics class. Our mutual feelings of hatred towards our tutor made us friends. Two later became three. His girlfriend joined in the same class, and we just go crazy in that class. The three of us once got kicked out of the class. Instead of staying for another class, we went to McDonalds and Bukit Bintang. Those were the good old time. Also, there is one thing that i should tell you about G. He lose his virginity at the age of 14 with her on and off lover M. I knew her as well, and no, they're not together. He was sexually active when he turned 14, and until now, if i'm not mistaken, he would bring girls back to his house and God i don't know what activity they would be doing... Playing scribbles(don't be so coy!)i guess. So i gotta warn ya, he's a bit of a playa'.

I went to the restaurant and there he was wearing a white shirt and a black slim fit jeans, and he shaved his head already. Wow, if he wears a pink tank top and a hot pants, he is that close to be a body double for Britney Spears... Well, noo... he would look like a Thai tranny. He was so excited just seeing me and asked me all kind of things. How's life, how's campus, how's designing and shit. We had our dinner telling stories, and things that revolves around our life. The dinner was awesome and our conversation was ok, until he started talking about his sex life.
SEX. Everybody loves sex! Who doesn't?

G: You know, i went to California last two months, visited my cousin. Stayed there a coupla weeks.

Myself: Really? How was it?

G: They're Hot! I'm talkin about the chicks man! They're fucking hot! It was freakin cool and all they wear were either bikini or just a hot tank top matched with hot pants.

Myself: Ooowwhh...Seems like Katy Perry wasn't exaggerating at all about them California Girls!

G: She was not! And guess what?

Myself: What?

G: I shagged a bleach-blonde-baywatch-like babe.

Myself: Wow... That's very typical of you.

I knew he wasn't lying because from what i see, he's a ladies man. If he say that he shagged Megan Fox yesterday, i would believe him. Even in our teenage years, he was the Brad Pitt of the tuition centre.

Myself: So where did u shag these gals?

G: On the beach. It was my first time doing it on the beach.

Ok, now this guy, is CRAZY! What if he got caught making love? Wouldn't that be awful, terrifying,EMBARASSING?

Myself: How was it doing your first time on the beach?

G: It was ok. But the excitement of getting caught is just wow.

Myself: Since when ur middle name is excitement?

G: Ever since i was born! Hey, i thought u knew me.

Myself: Yeah, but i didn't know that you're into SEXCITEMENT?

G: My sex life is the greatest. You know, to me, sex is great, but sex with full of excitement is, heaven orgasm. Horny guys sometimes masturbate either by watching porn or sex webcam. But that doesn't really interest me.

Myself: How is that so?

G: Well, let's put it this way. Sex is like when u eat ice cream, but SEXCITEMENT is like playing cat and mouse. U get it? The excitement of getting caught just turns me on! Try masturbating in the bus. Its like 25% percent of what i did on the beach with that gal.

Myself: Yeah... I'll try.

So the dinner ended as my dad were calling asking where was i. He offered me a ride home but i prefer using the public transport. So i walked to the subway and i saw this couple were cuddling and kissing. I thought there should be no public display of affection here in Malaysia, but, what the hell, they're in love, so be it. They're into SEXCITEMENT.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

In The Loving Memory Of...

It has been more than a year since the late great legendary king of pop, Michael Jeckson passed away, millions of fan are still grieving and mourning of the loss of this icon. So i wondered, what would happen if he is stii alive, touring all over the globe, making records and still dancing to the beat of the songs he made? Would people be listening to his music? Would the nation be watching his music video? Or would the world even give a damn about the good things that he had contributed to the world, but just focus on his private life, accusing him of being a pheadophile, making up all those nasty horrible rumours about him and only focus on the mistakes that he did? Frankly speaking, i'm not even a fan of Michael Jackson, but i am sure most of you would take back all of the bad things u did to him and just let the friggin man live his life in peace, and let him do mistakes like every human beings suppose to do.

I've got a story to tell you, it happened two years ago...

When i was in my primary school, there was this girl, a petite, small sized girl, always sat beside me,between me and her, it had always been a love and hate relationship. She was a prefect, so i hated the fact that she always send my name to the principal's office or the class teacher as i was so loud in class and loves to bug everyone around. But however, i like her for being so kind and intelligent. She taught me maths and i taught her social studies (kajian tempatan). I really enjoyed learning things from her. Before the primary school ended, i had my moments with her, chatted with her, and talking about how is our new highschool is gonna be like. Would it be different? And her answer was yes, it wouldbe different. She and i was so excited to start a new chapter in our life. But that was it. That was the last time i saw her. Never again to see her. A few years had passed, a few long years. Never heard a bit of a news about her, but i was so curious to know what had happened to her? How is she? Is she in good condition? All kinds of question popped into my mind. I had an intention to keep in touch with her again, i tried to ask so many people about her, and search for her number and all. I almost gave up, until one of my childhood friend met me and told me that something that i just could never predict.
"She passed away two months ago, of a heart failure" he said.
The awful, sad, and sombre feeling wrapped around me like a blanket. I felt like someone just pulled a trigger, and the bullet went into my heart.
The question "only if" echoed in my mind.

Only if i kept in touch with her...
Only if i had called her...
Only if i had her number...
Only if i appreciate her more when she was still ALIVE...

The story and the experienced that i could relate to the late Michael Jackson. Only if we appreciate them more when they were still alive.

So note this,

Love the people you love like there's no tomorrow. keep in touch with the people that you care for, say thank you to the people who makes your life meaningful, appreciate every little gesture, because there is no use if you be more appreciative to the people who had gone and met their creator;-)

A. M. J.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

How A Friendship Ended

A month ago, i went out for a lunch with someone that i knew in campus since i was in my freshmen year, Since it was her turn to take me out, we went to Bangsar, her most favourite spot to hang out. It was nothing between her and i because we were practically like brother and sister. I admired her in college, not only because she's a 4 flat student, she's also have a heart of a gold, but what i saw in her that day, changed my whole perception towards her. The story goes like this:

While we were waiting for our seats,(i'll refer her as J), she said to me:

J: I really like this whole 1 Malaysia concept, really make everything easier and
gives equality to all race. Its good to know that our country is in a good term.

Myself: Yeah, if Malaysia has only one race, i will just pack my things up and migrate to somewhere even better with my family. Can u imagine? only one type of food, and the radios would only play the same language song.

J: Definitely! I could imagine. Probably Dubai would be the place i would migrate.

I just sniggered because i was starving, almost made my mind crazy. We were lucky to know that there was an available table for two. The one who ushered us was not a Malaysian and i could tell. I got myself correct as he was the one who took our order and introduced himself. His name was Annandar, he was from Turkey, a pure turk and he was in his 20's. Probably a foreign exchange student who wants to get more pocket money. While he was taking our order, he didn't pronounce the menu precisely, he was mumnbling but i certainly get him, english is his second language. I said thank you, with a smile as a polite gesture. On the other hand, J was being very rude to the waiter/usherer.

J: Nooo! Berapa kali nak cakap?! I nak Chicken Picatta!
(How many times should i tell you, i want Chicken Picatta!)

Myself: Can you just hold it, take it easy will ya?

The waiter left, i could feel the intensity in the air, it was so intense, i tried to be cool, calm and collected. She brought her negativity and its not good.

Myself: you shouldn't be treating him that way, that man has dignity.

J: Who even cares, he's only a foreigner.

I went speechless. It was the most ironic moment ever. The shallowest statement came out from the mouth of this 4 flat student. I kept quiet, and i suddenly thought of an idea. I put her in a sudden test, telling her nothing. This is one of the way for me to measure one's mind and the friendship metre. While we were waiting for our lunch to be serve, a bunch of beautiful, sexy chinese teenage girls went inside the restaurant. So J whispered.

J: you know, i could never get this Chinese girls, why do they have to wear skimpy outfit? I mean, hello, their boobs are barely there and look at their eyes, slant eyes!

Myself: Their eyes make them exotic, its their asset. Why do you have to criticize the way they look and look at it the bad way. And its a free country here, they could wear anything they want. Whats ur problem?

She just rolled her eyes and just kept fanning herself with her Vietnam hand made fan. It was as if i am having a lunch with a Datin. She was the spitting reflection of a snooty, close minded, self absorbed Datin! I was laughing in my heart, she looked like a real superficial datin. So she went on and on telling me about her holiday in South France, i guess the word French Riviera came out from her mouth. I don't know. I can't tell whether she was bragging about it, or just rubbing it in. Probably a little bit of both. A few moment later, our food was served by a lovely Indian lady. "bon apetite" she said, and i replied "merci beaucoup". So did J, but she gave the indian lady a stink eye. People could tell that her thank you was not sincerely said. I got a bit annoyed, and asked:

Myself: What's with the stink eye?

J: What do you mean?

Myself: I saw that, you gave her the stink eye.

She let out a big sigh, almost the sigh of "fine, I'll tell you"

Myself: What?

J: She's an Indian.

Myself: And that's suppose to be a problem to you because...?

J: I'm sorry but, you know, Indian loves dogs.

Myself: I couldn't help but loving both dogs and cats too, so what?

J: Can u imagine? Probably at home, she has one, and she touched it and let the damn dog lick all over her.. EEeee.. so disgusting. She's serving our food some more. I never touch dog! It's haram.

Myself: But you drink alcohol...

J: That's different! Alcohol is not dog!

I gave her the WTF look and i felt like throwing my bag right to her face. How could she not relate a dog and an alcohol? Is she that stupid?

Myself: My bestfriend has dogs. We hug and touch each other and do a lot of stuff like what any bestfriend does. Ur kinda offending me. What is wrong with you? U insulted Malay when we were in campus, now ur insulting chinese and indian and foreigners, They're Malaysians, how could you label them? Whats the difference? We are all the same! We're human beings.

J: Alah, why you have to be offended?So emo. I'm just saying, that's all.

The urge of kicking her went north.

J: You know, a childhood friend of mine? From the UK? Ashley Fuller?

That name rang my bell, she was J's childhood friend. Met her once. Known for her exquisite beauty that she has.

Myself: Yeah! I remember her. She was really nice and pretty. When will she be here again?

J: I don't know, did u know she is converting into Moslem?

Myself: Really? Pretty shocking huh? So what's her moslem name?

J: She's not changing her name.

Myself: that's good. She should keep her real name. Her name is nice.

J gave me surprised look and glared at me like she wants to feed on me. I was too tired of looking at her, i chose to ignore and just finish up my meal.

J: Keep her real name? Ur crazy! She must change her name!

Myself: Why should she? She doesn't have to change her name. Thats absurd. Let her keep her real name.

J: That's not appropriate!

Myself: Whats not appropriate is to change her name. You don't have to change ur name to be a moslem! She has the right to keep her old name. Paula Abdul sounds moslem,but she clearly isn't! You know, malays with moslem name nowadays can't even keep their act together, they're commiting adultery, and shit. I wouldn't say all, but there's some. These people with moslem name gives bad remarks to Islam. Islam isn't the problem, but individual is.

My mind went all over the place. My splashing urge of angerness were everywhere, so i took out a 60 dollar bill, put it on the table and got out of the chair gently and this is what i told her:

"I'm sick of you insulting people, weren't you the one who's supporting the idea of 1 Malaysia concept? When we were in campus, you were telling me how uncivillised the malay is, and how laidback they are, and now you're doing this. I'm very offended. Why do you have to be this way? you know ur rich and everything, ur dad owns a big company, but that doesn't gives u the right to be judgemental. your father's company consists if multiple of races. They generates ur father's company and malaysia's economy too. They're your dad's biggest asset. Without them, you wouldn't be travelling to French Riviera or living the life that everyone dying to live. I looked up to you. I thought u were different. Probably, you're not. I'm sorry... I've got a train to catch"

The restaurant was filled with awkward silence. I got used to it, this isn't my first time making a scene in a restaurant. I've stormed out of the place and left her all alone. I felt sorry for her, but hey, she's still going back with her 7 Series BMW.
It was the most memorable day in my life as i ended a friendship and stood up for what i strongly believe. It was also the day that i sees things in a different angle and view and how i measure the values that i've learned. One thing that i know is that, the reflection in the mirror isn't always what we see. Sometimes, its the opposite of what we see. Sometimes they're bad and sometimes they're good. ;-)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Forgive You, Forgive You Not ;-)

It is Eid Mubarak's eve, and i got up a little after 12. I almost make breakfast for myself until i realized that, i was fasting. So i got ready, took a shower,and stuff to go out to retrieve my camera, since it's gonna be Eid Mubarak tomorrow, it would mean nothing if we never capture the moment together ;-) Anyways, i went online on facebook, it was something that i could predict, that anyone could predict, so many messages of "Maaf Zahir dan Batin" which means 'forgive me if i ever hurt u' or whatever, the bottom line is, they ask for forgiveness.
But i oppose to the idea of "asking for forgiveness" during Eid Mubarak. Why?
Because if you are wise enough and could think like a grown up, why do we have to ask forgiveness or apologies to everyone during this time of the year? Shouldn't we be forgiving everyday and apologise to everyone if we had done something wrong every single second? Why do we have to wait for Eid Mubarak to do this? Lets say, if we only ask for forgiveness during Eid Mubarak, wouldn't that be impossible? It's like washing your feet in the sea, the small waves would wash the sands and dirt away off your feet, but only for a moment, because the next thing you know, ur feet would get drench in sands and dirt, whats the point of doing it over and over again, if u knew that the sea would never get the dirt and sands of your feet?
Lets start apologise and be forgiving to everyone, every second that you got because, it wouldn't be worth it if u ask for forgiveness during Eid Mubarak.
Happy Eid Mubarak;-)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mazey Dazey

Two days ago, Bryan invited me to accompanied him to the Japanese Institute, he wanted to enquire himself more about the Japanese Prepatory Course, he got so hooked up with anything Japan since he was three years old. But instead, this lame ass changed his mind and planned to go shopping in Midvalley;-( I have to thank him for taking me shopping around that friggin mall, i was physically and mentally challenged, because i was fasting and fucking broke;-( But since we got there,i should just enjoy myself rather than just put my fuckin long face on.

So, Bryan told me how lonely he was being single and things that was happening at his house and work in MAS and all those stuff, just combines and made him felt at his lowest and how he missed dating. So i told him, dating is not that nice, and being single is not that bad. I mean, when the right time comes, it'll come, you just gotta have to wait and keep searching, there's a reason why patience is a virtue. And i always believe that good things comes for people who waits.

There is one difference between myself and Bryan when the word dating pops into my mind.
Bryan is the kinda guy who actually dated very little people, but got into a real relationship like a lot.
I, on the other hand, dated and fling with lotsa people, but only manage to get into serious relationship twice, even cats can score higher than me. So maybe, i'm not likely a qualified person to give Bryan a bit of an advice, but still, i know what relationship is like, i recognized it. I've been there and done that. Relationship is like a maze, when u found the way in, you would found your happiness and he or she might be the one who is for you, but if you found a dead end, you gotta get back in the game and just search for it, keep on searching and searching for it. I don't believe in living all alone in a freaky house with eleven cats, that's just a mindset of some person who just gives up with everything, or precisely define as Loser.

This just came across to me, when u let your feeling or emotion manifests you, it'll start suffocates you and it would screw u up. You gotta search for it and wait, i mean, when u do it moderately. U can't search thoroughly or just wait, hoping that it would come to you and u just do nothing, prolly this is the time where u have to use your conscience and intuition. That'll do. ;-)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Love and Relationship Lesson Number 1 : When Its Over, Its Over!

I think everyone knows hows it like breaking up for the first time. I know i do ;-) It felt like something just went into my heart and just clog something up, made me forgot how to even breath, tears burst out when i am all alone, don't feel like getting the fuck out of my room. But then, i remembered, i have a family and my bestfriends, that's what they are here for, when someone u dearly love, or the whole world just walked out on you, they'll be the first one to come in and just be the shoulder to cry on to.

And i also know that most of you, would persuade him or her to get back in the loving relationship that once u guys had and cherished. You would do anything to get him or her back. But u guys are wrong, winning him or her back doesn't mean he or she would love u more, they would not! Its quite impossible for someone to eat something back after they spitted at it. No,not literally, thats a metaphore.

It is hard at first,you will be crying your heart out, or the drama queen would refer to it as "mourning" and "grieving" for your loss, but that is only on your first stage. The second one is... RECOVERING! The recovering part is rather neccessary and very crucial for you as it is the time for you to deliberate or consider dating a new person and prepare the whole new chapter of your new beginning.

The third one might be interested for some of you who is hunger for revenge and pain. In my case, it is called, ITS YOUR LOSS MOTHAFUCKA. This is the time where u should bring out the best in you, flaunt all of your hotness and let all your flaws be your advantages as it channel your positive energy. Show the loser(your ex that is) what you've got!

So, when ur in a serious lovey dovey relationship, make sure to know that if he or she call it a quit, there's no need for you to over react and get on your knees begging him or her to take u back. If it means no, its a real no no. So get back up and just deal with it using the three steps i gave. Also, try not to make ur new lover as a rebound guy or gal, or u'll might end up losing in the battlefield. Live with it, when it's over, it is OVER ;-)